Let the Beauty of what you Love be what you Do...

Friday, November 27, 2009

DMF Week 9: Personal Images

Just some images I took out walking today. A chilly, drizzly day in Ashland. None of these images were all that great, but I thought they went well together once I cropped them. Something about seasons... or a visual interpretation of life cycles. Most of the leaves have fallen from the trees, but they still make for a lovely display on the streets & sidewalks. The colors & textures often make me stop to take a closer look. Much as we can still be appreciate the beauty of fallen leaves, even though they are no longer attached to the tree... no longer alive, I think that can also be said of people that have touched our lives that are no longer with us. There is a beauty that still remains. I like walking through old cemeteries, looking at the headstones, wondering about these peoples' lives, who they were, and wonder about their history, and if they were happy. Out of respect for the dead, I don't feel it appropriate to photograph the headstone directly (in order to keep the names private,) but I think I'd like to experiment more with cemetery photography.

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