Let the Beauty of what you Love be what you Do...

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Latest Linocut from Printmaking Class

Happy with the results on the earlier Resingrave print, I decided to go with the same theme, only larger with an 8 x 10 Linocut. It took a while to get the result I wanted, ie, cutting the sky several different ways & adding detail to the ice structure in back... but over all I liked the way this one turned out. Again, not super realistic as I seem to lack the skill with drawing & fine detail... but it's cute & I like the way it makes me feel when I look at it. My goal really for this class is just to explore with all the different techniques I've learned... hopefully coming up with some that I like. So far, so good. I'll be trying another woodcut soon (although I swore I was done with that...) & experimenting a bit more with copper etching & aquatint.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is really nice. I did one a million years ago in art class. Of course, it didn't look like yours.