Let the Beauty of what you Love be what you Do...

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Printmaking II: Resingrave

Here are the results from my first experience with resingrave... the image was carved into a 2 x 3" block. For some reason, I didn't care much for this technique at first... particularly when I was trying to come up with a design. As I've mentioned before, I can't draw that well, so my efforts come out somewhat stylized vs realistic. That said, I was pleased with the results anyhow, and will likely do some more of these. I took some scrap paper & made a few cards as I did with the wax encaustics & that was fun. Fun is important... If it's all work & no fun, what's the point? That line of thinking is also what led me to drop my digital class this week. I wasn't having fun, didn't feel like I was learning anything & thought my time would be better spent this quarter really working on my printmaking, and having time to relax & do my own personal artistic research on where I'd like to go with all of this.

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