1.) Thinking about part time work so I don't go too much further in debt....
2.) If I go half time, I pay in state tuition for a year, then become a resident & pay in state tuition for the remainder of my time here... which means if I do decide to continue with my Art studies I won't be in as much debt as I would if I just continued on full time. I still go back & forth on how far I'll go with this. I don't need a degree to make art, and in some classes I feel like I'm not learning a whole lot... or not enough to justify the financial output. I'll just take it a quarter at a time & see how I feel as I go. My 2 classes this quarter are Digital Print Studio & Printmaking II. I had this great idea for a project for Digital Print... a children's book, but now being logical I see how difficult it is going to be to illustrate, as my drawing ability is quite lacking. So, I have spent my time in class so far just playing with some of the tools & the drawing tablet. While I haven't come up with what I am going to do about this daunting book project, I did get some ideas for Printmaking. I made this "drawing" using the magnetic lasso tool & paint bucket. I am using this drawing as a template of sorts for Printmaking. I'm 2 parts into a 3 part woodcut reduction process. So far, it is turning out pretty cool & I'll post the final result when I get it done.
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