Let the Beauty of what you Love be what you Do...

Friday, April 22, 2011

Have Pots, Will Travel.

Due to the Easter holiday, we didn't have class today... but I really needed to get to work on the water scraping & sanding of my pots! Sooooo, I packed them all up yesterday, loaded them in the car, and today I headed over to a friend's house who was so kind as to let me borrow his outdoor space as I have no place to work outside at my place, and it's just not something you can do indoors. (Though I could start scraping & sanding in the parking lot of my apartment complex... but I don't feel like explaining to my neighbors what the heck I'm doing!)

My work station~

It was all going well for the first couple of hours... but as you may or may not know, it is our "windy season" here in Santa Fe, and those winds will come up out of nowhere & blow & blow & blow! It was so calm this morning, I didn't even think to check the weather! This is me trying to work in the wind. (I checked the weather after I got home- winds out of the west @ 28 to 32 mph!) My hair is being held down by my dust mask, but if you look closely you can see how the wind looks to be blowing right into my face ('cause it was!) So, rather than the clay dust settling around me as I scraped, it was literally just getting blown back at me! Arrrrrgh!

So, back into the trunk they go.

Now they are home in my ever shrinking apartment (full of pots & 1/2 finished sculptures) which is getting harder to keep clean & organized! Ah, what we will do in the pursuit of our artistic dreams...


Randy said...

Definitely not the thing to do in the wind. But you did try. I had no clue that the school was closed today I was just going to head out there. You saved me a trip.

Barb said...

You look like a potter intent on sanding in that windy photo! So many pots, so little space! Have a joyous weekend - I hope your wind behaves (it's been very windy here, too).

snowwhite said...

Becky, a few days ago strong wind scattered cherry blossoms and made beautiful pink carpets made of petals on the ground in Nara. Even thought in wind, you look happy and contented! I think that's is artist's room which is not kept clean and organized.

DirtKicker Pottery said...

Good that you're wearing a mask. Maybe you can plan an early morning and try again this weekend. Your pots look lovely.

Rick said...

Now THAT's dedication, Becky ! But - not much fun with the wind blowing that hard. Reminds me of when we lived near Calgary - same thing with the wind. The mornings were usually calm and then around noon - WHAM ! 50 mph was considered a stiff breeze. Never had to rake leaves there, though !

Have a great Easter weekend.

joco said...

Oh Becky, you don't deserve this.
Such elan squashed. I am so sorry.
I was thinking, does your area have alotments?
You might rent one and grow pots, rather than carrots :-)

Pat said...

I have personally experienced those dang winds! They are not fun! Sorry you couldn't get your work done. If it's any consolation, you look darn cute in that mask! :)

Anonymous said...

Wind here, too! What is going on? Becky, you look like an ancient potter sitting there. BTW, those lovely pots look wonderful in the outdoors.

I hope you have a nice holiday.

Annie said...

Becky, You know I have been getting blown around here in Taos too! So sorry your day was cut short. Have a great Easter and a wonderful week. Talk to you when I return. xoxo

Anonymous said...

On my last trip to the Southwest the wind never stopped, which made wildflower photography (the purpose of the trip) nearly impossible.)

Nice pots, though - a nd hey, I have that exact same patio set in my back yard!   :)

Ms. Becky said...

I'm intrigued by what you're doing and know very little about it. thanks for edifying me a bit here, and lovely photos too btw. I don't like wind and when it's blowing, I take cover! unless it's 95 degrees and humid, then it feels great. have a wonderful week Becky!

Tammie Lee said...

so glad that you wore a mask! lovely of your friend to offer is space to you....

clairz said...

Yes, we do have BIG winds in New Mexico, don't we? Things eventually settle down to the point where we hardly remember that Spring was so windy. Right now our winds in southern NM are spreading fire up in our mountains--not good.