Let the Beauty of what you Love be what you Do...

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

This Old House

Oh, how I would have loved to get closer to this old house! O.k... not just closer, actually. I would love to go in & explore, but again with the "no trespassing" sign! How sometimes I wish I were a kid again when you just didn't notice such things! Or maybe you did, but as kid, you felt less compelled to follow the rules...

But, since I am grown up (dang it!), I felt compelled to follow the rules... so I could only get "closer" with my zoom lens. The front of the house looks like it could topple any minute... and check out all the growth on the roof! The old truck below sits in the yard... I wonder how long it has been there, and I find it rather curious that the bush decided to grow through it rather than around it.


Becky said...

I wonder what the story is about this house and this truck. Who lived there, and where they went. I used to wonder the same thing about the derelict houses in Ireland when we visited there.
Have a lovely weekend Becky..oops it's only thursday, ah well, we are nearly there :-)

Wanda..... said...

Very picturesque scenes Becky...they do set your mind to wondering their story!


Pat said...

If walls could talk, right? I know you're itching to get in that house, but it DOES look a little dangerous! Treasure it from afar, I'm afraid! Love the truck, too! I've taken many, many photos of an old truck in a cow pasture next to a campground that we stay at each summer. Gotten some great photos!

becky said...

Hi Ladies... yes I wonder the same things... about the people that once lived there & what their lives were like. Were things simple or difficult for them, were they happy... those sorts of things. Interesting places, & ideas to explore.

Dee said...

Hello Becky, Wanda told me I would enjoy visiting your blog because we both like to photograph old houses. Like you, I also reluctantly follow the rules about not going inside them but I am getting closer to the out side. On my blog I refer to them as "Nods To The Past" and "Back Road Wanderings." You are a very talented Becky and I admire your photography and pottery. I hope you do not mind a new follower. Dee :)

KClark Photography said...

Great finds. I always try to ask, what story
am I trying to tell with a photo. These have scads.

Barb said...

Hi Becky, That truck photo is a keeper! I just love the idea of it. A bush growing through...

Suzy said...

Yes, the old truck looks like it's become a planter!!

Annie Coe said...

Oh Becky, there does not seem to be a soul around, go ahead and explore! You only live once. Great photos and I love the truck.

Tanya Gwen Minnick said...

Hi Becky,
I too would have been very tempted to sneak in for a closer look! what great photos!
I recently decided to climb a tree in the horse field..haven't done so since I was a kid, but felt great to do it :) I hope you are doing well
peace and light