Let the Beauty of what you Love be what you Do...

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Nature's Gifts

"If the sight of the blue skies fills you with joy, if a blade of grass springing up in the fields has the power to move you, if the simple things of nature have a message that you understand, rejoice, for your soul is alive."
~Eleonora Duse

The Spring quarter is officially over! Which means no more ceramics or printmaking posts for quite some time. I've enrolled for the fall quarter, but due to financial & other concerns (like is it the best use of my time & resources here on this planet? how will it benefit me in terms of making a living? do i really want to live here for 2 years? etc, etc.) that could all change by the time fall rolls around. SOOOOO! In the meantime, I am once again returning to my photography roots! (Ceramics & Photography being my two favorite artistic loves!) The skies were absolutely beautiful the other night & I was lucky enough to get a few good shots... so I thought I'd share. For those of you that know me... you know that in addition to my love of nature... I also LOVE a good quote! And there are so many wonderful, inspiring quotes out there... so it's highly likely that you will be seeing them paired with various photographs I'll be taking. I hope everyone out there is having a wonderful week, & thanks for stopping by!


KClark Photography said...

Wonderful photo and quote. Thanks for sharing both.


Becky said...

Hi Becky, its Becky :-)
I'll look forward to your quothes as well as your pics. I love good quothes too to get me thinking, and so often they clarify things for me, and give me a spark of energy :-)

Bernie said...

Sounds like a winner to me. The sky is such a beautiful blue. Great picture. And I love quotes too.

Pat said...

Amen, sista!

Beautiful quote - beautiful photo!

Barb said...

Well - I think I'm definitely still alive! Have a good break, Becky. I'll enjoy seeing your photography.